A downloadable game

Code Espereranto is a small little game you can play along with your friends at daily life.

If you ever needed a way to convey information secretly with several people around you, wanted to make a semi-believable thieves can't language for your games, or you just want to confuse other people by making strange hand signs, this is the text for you.

It doesn't require any additional resources aside from you and other person, though you are free to interpret this method as you'd like.

Form a code and use it, publish it on itch.io if you want. If you end up making something, please consider mentioning this game on your credit.

Without further ado, enjoy the game!

*Disclaimer: This document is not representative of any real aspect of the Esperanto Language. I just made the connection of Esperanto with universality, which is the end objective of the game.


Codigo Espereranto es un pequeño juego que puedes jugar con tus amigos en tu vida cotidiana.

Si alguna vez necesitaste una forma de transmitir información en secreto a varias personas a tu alrededor, quisiste crear un lenguaje de ladrones semi-creíble para tus juegos, o simplemente quieres confundir a otras personas haciendo extrañas señales con las manos, este es el texto para ti.

No requiere ningún recurso adicional aparte de ti y de otra persona, aunque puedes interpretar este método como desees.

Forma un código y úsalo, publícalo en itch.io si quieres. Si terminas haciendo algo, considera mencionar este juego en tu crédito.

Sin más preámbulos, ¡disfruta del juego!



Code Esperanto En.pdf 99 kB
Codigo Esperanto Es.pdf 97 kB


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*Coherent two pages of *something cool! It’s a fun concept and nicely laid out.


Incoherent two pages of nothing.